How to write in APA
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Different Subcultures free essay sample
Convenience could be an individual, source or procedure that gives own insight on a particular examination question. Meeting A predisposition in this strategy is of somebody that has constrained understanding or data with Pokemoon. Value in this technique is of someone own understanding or information in the zone of Pokemoon. Meeting Name: Attained Gaston Age: 1 6 What is Pokemoon? An anima that was then transformed into a game where you can get creature like animals and have them fight for you or if youre not into the fight scene, have them as your companions.What made you begin loving Pokemoon in any case? My companion who let me play her Ruby form on her game kid. My mum at that point purchased my first game for Christmas and my fixation developed from that point. What is your most loved Pokemoon game? Emerald Version If you could be any Pokemoon, what might you be? Led Is Pokemoon sexual orientation orientated? Course not Questionnaire What is your most loved Pokemoon type? Mythical beast and Fire types are extremely close on this one however would need to state that Fire type wins on this one :) What is your preferred starter Pokemoon?Chaired Why do you like Pokemoon? l like the idea of picking your Pokemoon and raising them anyway you need. Its fun, despite the fact that its focused on more youthful children, figure anybody can appreciate it and I simply wish Pokemoon was genuine ha however this is the nearest Ill get What is your most loved Pokemoon game? Emerald Version Do you play or have ever played Pokemoon World Online? (POP) Yeah What do you think or feel when you hear the word Pokemoon? l really get energized Is that awful? Ha Do you have or gather any Pokemoon stock? L have 2 game kid games, a few dolls, an enchanted inside and presumably some other stuff lying around. .. So yes What do you like/love about Pokemoon? The idea of having my own and having the option to prepare them and take care of them anyway I need. Besides all the various kinds aha.. What do you detest/abhor about Pokemoon? Its not genuine Ha If you could be any Pokemoon, what might you be? Led. . It will consistently will be led Who is your Pokemoon legend? Debris Ketchum, on the grounds that; Misty a whiny pitch. Creeks a man where. All the exercise center pioneers are up themselves. Evidence Oak sat idle. Agars an ass So no doubt.. Debris is my saint :) fake Observation Through my very own involvement in Pokemoon, I have found that Pokemoon is a media establishment that is distributed and possessed by a Japanese computer game organization called Nintendo. Made by Stators Ataxia in 1996, it was initially discharged as a couple of interlink-capable game kid pretending computer games created by Game Freak. Pokemoon has since become the second-best computer game based media establishment on the planet, behind Mario. Pokemoon properties have since been marketed into anima, magna, exchanging cards, toys, books, and other media.The name Pokemoon is the Romanizes compression of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters (FYI 5 - ? ) Pokemoon are animals that occupy an anecdotal world. Rather than a world being named a spot as you most likely are aware it, there is rather Regions that make up the world. Young men and young ladies that arrive at the age of ten have the chance to become Pokemoon mentors, and are given a decision of 3 Pokemoon that are called Starter Pokemoon to look over. These Pokemoon coaches at that point have a few decisions to browse once they have begun their excursion. Some become Pokemoon mentors, who catchPokemoon to extend their assortment and furthermore make their Pokemoon battle to acquire understanding. They will likewise provoke eight exercise center pioneers to attempt to win an identification off every one of them to contend at the Pokemoon League. Others become Pokemoon raisers, who would prefer to keep them as mates and breed them. Some keep Pokemoon to help them at work or to help around the house. The conceivable outcomes are huge. My own considerations on Pokemoon are that it is an exceptionally fascinating and one of a kind idea to subcultures, who actually make themselves insane over it. In spite of the fact that the intended interest group is for a more youthful enervation, it is explained that Pokemoon is cherished by any matured crowd in light of the fact that to be honest, I love it myself. Some close to home emotions that I encountered was playing Pokemoon on my game kid unexpectedly. I was four years of age and had no clue about what was doing, yet thought that it was fun in any case with the legendary, anecdotal animals engaging one another. My undisputed top choice Pokemoon would need to be in fact, the acclaimed fire-breathing, winged serpent like Pokemoon named Chaired.The unadulterated quintessence Of coolness dribbles Off Chaired and through each of the 694 jab at present found, it is my most loved alongside numerous others no doubt. Us Mary What makes a subculture? A subculture is a gathering of individuals with binding together practices and convictions that separate them from the primary culture. I can't help suspecting that in the 21st century, everyb ody is associated with a subculture or the like which separates them from the bigger standard social gathering. How is personality molded and communicated? Character is imparting a feeling of alliance to bunch insiders, by giving sentiments of qualification from outsiders.This is making an alternate point of view from those outside the gathering. A case of this could be a class of music that somebody appreciates and discovers enthusiasm with others who additionally appreciate that sort, yet disapproved of by individuals who disdain that kind of music. Clarify the contrast among individual and social personality in a subculture. Social character is a mid-extend hypothesis of gathering enrollment, self-origination, and gathering conduct that credits an easygoing job to aggregate self-origination. We each experience this consistently in our purported gatherings. Instances of these gatherings could be sorted into; social, family and friend.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Public perceptions of policing
Open view of policing This paper will fundamentally analyze the impact media portrayals of the police can have on open impression of policing. In doing so it will contend that the media impacts open impression of policing, featuring that positive portrayals of the police are a need in diminishing wrongdoing and making social attachment in general. This paper will reason that negative portrayals ought to be diminished, through the media and through police responsibility. So as to basically analyze the impact of media portrayals on open recognitions, the job of the police must be talked about. Customarily, the police job depended on the job of the night guards. In the late seventeenth Century, from each night until dawn, night guards would watch the roads with an assignment to look at all dubious characters (Emsley et al. 2012). Their principle obligation was to capture wrongdoers of minor wrongdoing and to dissuade guilty parties of progressively genuine violations (Emsley et al. 2012). To explain, some portion of their job was to recognize and forestall wrongdoing which for the most part adds to the keeping up of open request in the public arena. This is viewed as a conventional job of the police, in any case, in present occasions this job has gotten considerably more mind boggling. The job of the police would now be able to be considered as part into two; to rebuff or to help. To clarify, common policing has an insignificant separation between the police and the network, with worries to compromise and harmony keeping. Be that as it may, as a coercive and harsh power, military policing separations the administration and the network by focusing on discipline instead of network contribution. For example, military policing has been utilized as an endeavor to handle the war on dread, in spite of the discussions encompassing its thought about viability (Murray, 2005:347). Regardless of this, as of late more prominent accentuation has been put on structuring policing administrations around open need (Myhill, 2011:273). Not exclusively can the general job be viewed as attacked direct opposite, the obligations inside the job are various. McLaughlin (2007) depicts police fill in as multifaceted in that the obligations of the police remember officials for the beat, halting wrongdoings in progress, researching genuine violations and the capturing of guilty parties. Also, the police need to concentrate on the discouragement of crooks just as the consolation of the general population. On this view, police movement is in certainty hard to characterize and, generally, random to law requirement and criminal recognition (Mclaughlin, 2007:52). With a police job that is in itself difficult to characterize, it is imperative to examine what the open view of the job of the police is. The general population can be considered to see the police as images of good power (Jackson et al. 2009:104). In this way, the job of the police is to determine corrupt acts, and set the standard of profound quality. To represent, on the off chance that the police are seen as degenerate, at that point they are seemingly harming the ethical image, which diminishes the certainty the general population have in the image. Maybe because of this attention on profound quality, the open interest that wrongdoers (the transgressors) are gotten and wrongdoing is forestalled (Manning refered to in McLaughlin, 2007:53). Open perspectives on policing are considered as significant as managerial evaluations (Myhill, 2011:273-274), this can assist with guaranteeing that their obligations are executed in an acceptable way. By and large, open view of policing are powerful in their own right. With respect to this, it is imperative to address the impression of the productivity of the police and the certainty general society have in the police. Bradford (2009) talks about four particular gatherings with respect to certainty and view of police viability; these gatherings being recognized through research attempted in London. Right off the bat, there are the supporters who are sure about policing and the upgrades in policing however have minimal direct understanding of the police, for instance, they are probably not going to have been a casualty. Also, the substance are happy with policing yet have apathetic sentiments towards policing, correspondingly, they have little contact with the police. Thirdly, the destitute have negative perspectives towards the improvement of policing and don't have all the earmarks of being happy with policing; they have significant levels of police contact and exploitation. In conclusion, there are the requesting who have significant levels of po lice contact yet less of this contact is brought about by exploitation. They are not totally happy with policing yet are bound to feel educated about neighborhood policing (Bradford, 2009:144). From this, it appears that open impression of the police change because of individual experience, yet the measure of get in touch with one has with the police doesnt totally decide if one has a positive or negative perspective on policing. For instance, the substance and the supporters have comparative contact with the police yet have contrasting recognitions and trust in policing. Apparently this could be because of vicarious experience (Bradford, 2009:42), for instance, anecdotes about the police which one gets notification from others or through the media. This kind of experience could impact ones perspectives on policing. Concerning the split job of the police, it has been set up that a more help situated style of policing can improve open certainty, for instance neighbor policing (Myhill,2011:276). Open trust in policing is significant as it helps police-advertising, and can assist with managing the consolation hole (Bradford, 2011:179). To explain, wrongdoing is falling yet it seems to have had little effect on open trust in policing (Jackson et al. 2009:101). Because of this, the police are managing the dread of wrongdoing notwithstanding endeavoring to control wrongdoing. The police administration is attempting to decrease the dread by managing more extensive worries, for instance, social issue, just as expanding police perceivability and police-advertising (Jackson et al. 2009:101). Lately, the media can be considered to play on this dread of wrongdoing. Ditton et al. clarifies that in spite of the fact that the prevailing flow disposition towards the connection between the media and wrongdoing is of the formers causing apprehension of the last mentioned, it wasnt consistently so㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦most investigate consideration in the field was arranged to interfacing the media to watchers hostility (for example as potential guilty parties) as opposed to their tensions (for example as potential casualties) (Ditton et al. 2011:443). On this view, if the media was to focus on the animosity rather than the exploitation, the dread of wrongdoing would be diminished. In the event that this dread was decreased it would expand open trust in policing as they would accept that wrongdoing has fallen, rather than the open lacking trust in the falling pace of wrongdoing. Also, if policing doesn't need to handle the dread of wrongdoing, it leaves more opportunity to handle real wrongdoing, which thus may make police-advertising more grounded. Besides, drifts in open view of national and neighborhood crime percentages in England and Wales of 2003/2004, found that the more individuals thought wrongdoing was expanding, the more they needed trust in the police (Myhill, 2011:275). By and large, one can contend that the media impacts people in general into dreading expanding wrongdoing, this brings down their trust in the police thus encroaches on the quality of police-advertising. As media portrayals are accessible for general utilization, they are one of only a handful barely any methods whereby people in general can understand wrongdoing and equity (Schlesinger et al. 2010 :255). Truth be told, the media can be considered as something that is done something distinguishable from society (McRobbieThornton, 2010:488). Besides, the media can underscore what they want to cover, and disregard others (Schlesinger et al. 2010 :260). For instance, an issue with policing which can be effectively sensationalized so as to sell more papers might be accounted for on, though a fruitful policing wrongdoing anticipation method lacking emotional worth may not be. Overwhelmingly, one may see the portrayals of policing in the media as negative. To delineate, the passing of Ian Tomlison was vigorously detailed in the media. Between Tomlisons demise and the Crown Prosecution Services choice not to indict, there was a move in news media consideration from police viciousness to the more extensive issue of fundamental institutional disappointment' (Greer,2011:275). To clarify, the media recognized the offense of a specific cop, yet in time sent affirmed issues of policing itself. As the open utilize the media to get to information on wrongdoing and equity, it tends to be viewed as that general society would have followed this story from the beginning, thus would have increased negative impression of policing before the finish of this string of media portrayals. Just as creating metaphor in the news, the media can be liable of distortions . To represent, McLaughlin (2007) contends that the limits of the genuine have gotten intensely obscured and, somewhat, deleted, in that the numerous anecdotal police based projects give a wrong impression of policing, and produce bogus view of policing. The media has put the once holy symbol of national security and social request in danger (McLaughlin, 2007:114) Then again, the media can deliver positive portrayals of the police, which in actuality may build energy among the open impression of policing. For example, Neighborhood Blues (BBC1, 2012) speaks to the police in a positive light, exhibiting how they incorporate with people in general, for instance, liaising with the destitute, offering guidance, demonstrating care and sympathy just as implementing the law. Along these lines it appears that the broadcast portrayals of policing can have its qualities and shortcomings with respect to open view of policing. To explain, on-screen media can remove the truth of policing and make bogus portrayals, how
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Your friendly neighborhood webcaster
Your friendly neighborhood webcaster Did you miss the CPW webcast with Lauren and Jennifer? Well if you hurry you can still catch it at the Class of 2014 site! (use the username/password we emailed to you). The video will come down soon after the CPW registration page comes offline. Which reminds me… Have you registered for CPW? I swear that’s the last time I’ll ask, mostly because very soon CPW will transition from “the whirlwind adventure with my new classmates into the wonders of MIT I planned to register for†to “that potentially life-changing event I wished I’d registered for but missed the deadline because I inexplicably decided to watch all 5 seasons of ‘Quantum Leap’ back-to-back, which was very entertaining but in retrospect really could have waited.†* [* Actual regret may vary] I’m really posting to remind you that we’ll be having another admitted student webcast event on Wednesday (March 31st). This week’s theme is CPW! No I’m just kidding, it’s student life, and we have Uber-blogger Hamsika ’13 and Campus Information Session presenter (and all-around great guy) Paul ’12 to answer your questions. We’ll be doing two different webcasts this time, one at 8:00pm EDT and one at 10:00pm EDT, in order to accommodate both coasts (and all the lovely time zones in-between). The page will go live ~30 minutes prior to each webcast so you can add your questions to the MIT Media Lab’s Backchannl feed, which will continue through the show. I hope you can join us! Paul and Hamsika student life webcast Admitted students of the Class of 2014! Wednesday, March 31st 8:00pm 10:00pm EDT
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Why Is Art A Genre Essay - 1464 Words
â€Å"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.†-Aristotle According to, a genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. (Dictionary) Before I began this course, the only inclination of genre was that of books and movies. From my experience, the aspect of genres are what categorized media in various forms, making it easy for an audience to comprehend said material. However, my freshman college writing course, forced me to step outside of my perspective comfort zone. Nevertheless this new perspective baffled me. However it also gave me an opportunity to view something in a different light than what I had been conditioned to know. So how does this new definition of genre relate to this assignment? The term genre now had a meaning outside of literally terms. A genre is a specific branch of a broad perspective. Moreover, in relations to this project I was to pick a genre of my intended major and further explain it to my peers. For students like myself, this would be a challenge as a student with an undeclared major. Although I’m undecided, I’m taking a variety of classes that hold my interest as a possible career. Based on the most intriguing course that I have been taking, my intended major for my genre is graphic design. Graphic design is the art or profession of visual communication that combines images, words, andShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Fairy Tales1065 Words  | 5 PagesSocial History of a Genre†6). The writers of the stories indicate of the relationships between the authors of the tales and their community, since most stories were intended for a broad community. These writers would use a framework for their tales in which they shared their stories with their listeners. Their listeners were extremely important to them, because the response of the listens help ed to form the genre (â€Å"Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolutions and Relevance of a Genre†17). The media hasRead MoreThe Baroque Of Baroque Dance962 Words  | 4 Pagesthat are part of the process, such as the why baroque was created and the purpose that baroque dancing served in cultural context. There was an important shift in history that engaged people to want to move and it is an important subject to be studied. Baroque dance was quite different from the social dancing we experience today. There are different layers to baroque dance and different contributors that created a historical permanence in the ballet genre we learn today. This will be an in-depth observationRead More A Violent Message in the Art of Popular Culture Essay1679 Words  | 7 PagesA â€Å"Violent†Message in the Art of Popular Culture Many people believe that present-day music cause division, tension, and sometimes violence. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Questions On Virgil s The Odyssey - 1009 Words
Week 6 Discussions Virgil 1) Who is Aeneas and where did he come from? - Aeneas is son of Anchises, the prince of Dardaria and Venus, goddess of beauty and love. Aeneas was a Trojan military leader during the Trojan War. Aeneas was also one of the lone survivors after the siege of Troy. After the fall of Troy, Aeneas is divinely lead to Carthage by Juno because she has a grudge against the Trojans. While in Carthage, queen Dido falls deeply in love with Aeneas. Jupiter afraid that Aeneas is abandoning his destiny sends Mercury to order Aeneas to leave Carthage and travel to Italy. Once he arrives in Italy he is visited by his father’s ghost which tells him he needs to travel to the Underworld. Aeneas ends up going to the Underworld to†¦show more content†¦See how Mars’s twin plumes stand on his crest, and his father marks him out for the world above with his own emblems? Behold, my son, under his command glorious Rome will match earth’s power and heaven’s will, and encircle seven hills with a single wall, happy in he r race of men†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Virgil VI. 778-783) Romulus will become the first king of Rome. Romulus will end up setting the foundation and lineage for the upcoming Roman Republic. - Augustus Caesar: According to Kline’s translation, Virgil introduces Augustus Creaser in verse 791, â€Å"This is the man, this is him, whom you so often hear promised you, Augustus Caesar, son of the Deified, who will make a Golden Age again in the fields where Saturn once reigned, and extend the empire beyond the Libyans and the Indians†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Virgil VI.791-795) Virgil in this passage introduces Augustus Caesar and tells us of his great expansion of territory during his reign. - Julius Caesar and Pompey: According to Kline, Virgil introduces two prominent players in the future construction of the Roman Empire in verse 826, â€Å"But those others, you can discern, shining in matching armour, souls in harmony now, while they are cloaked in darkness, ah, if they reach the light of the living, what civil war what battle and slaughter, they’ll cause, Julius Caesar, the father-in-law, down from the Alpine ramparts, from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Secret Circle The Hunt Chapter 3 Free Essays
Pink and white banners advertising the spring dance hung on all four walls of the school cafeteria. On a different day, or maybe in a different life, Cassie would have been excited for the dance. But this afternoon’s lunch was going to be all business. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Circle: The Hunt Chapter 3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Suzan arrived a few minutes after the others and dropped her tray on the table with enthusiasm, seemingly oblivious to the group’s mood. â€Å"Is it that time already? We have to go shopping before all the good dresses disappear.†â€Å"Is that seriously what’s on your mind right now?†Melanie said, her mouth half full. â€Å"A stupid dance?†Suzan crossed her arms over her cerulean blouse. â€Å"We’re supposed to act normal, right? So we don’t seem suspicious to the principal or anyone else. I’m just acting normal.†â€Å"You can act however you want, as long as you don’t perform any magic,†Cassie announced. â€Å"The principal knows who we are. We confirmed that this morning.†Suzan took a seat between Faye and Deborah. â€Å"Oh.†She pushed her tray away dejectedly. â€Å"Nobody told me. I’m always the last to know everything.†Cassie looked around the table at her friends. Of course the hunters had figured them out. Not only were they always together, but none of them seemed average, even when they were alone. Adam and Nick, the Henderson brothers, and even Sean carried themselves with a pride and independence that set them apart from other guys at school. Their fellow students were terrified and awestruck by them. It was no different for the girls. Diana was the most admired, and Faye the most feared – but Laurel, Melanie, Deborah, and Suzan were no less intriguing to their classmates. Something about them sparkled. They were unlike all the other girls in school; their problems were so much larger than boys and clothes. It was stupid of Cassie to assume any of them could have remained unrecognized by the hunters. â€Å"After what happened earlier today,†Diana said quietly, â€Å"school is no longer safe for those of us who’ve been marked.†She’d directed the comment at Laurel, but Laurel just played with her sandwich, not eating and not looking up. Cassie had never seen her this depressed, even when the hunters first burned their symbol onto her front lawn. Faye also pretended not to hear Diana’s warning. She refused to acknowledge that she’d been marked at all. Cassie noticed she was still wearing the opal necklace Max had given her, the one he’d stamped with the hunter symbol. â€Å"You can take that off,†Cassie said, pointing to the necklace. â€Å"You don’t have to keep wearing it like some kind of scarlet letter.†Faye shook her head. â€Å"I’m not about to let on that I know about the mark. He’s not the only one who can pretend to be someone he’s not.†Deborah nodded, pointing her plastic fork at Faye like a spear. â€Å"You should give him a taste of his own medicine. Max played you, and now you have to turn it around on him.†â€Å"There he is.†Sean shifted his beady eyes across the cafeteria toward Max, and Faye quickly applied a fresh coat of red gloss to her lips. â€Å"Do you honestly think revenge is the best idea right now?†Diana asked. â€Å"We’ve already had one close call with a hunter today. We don’t need another.†â€Å"Relax, D.†Faye curled her lips into a smile. â€Å"We need information on the hunters and he’s our way to it. I’m going to pump him for intel, double agent – style. Watch and learn.†Without another word, Faye stood up and jogged over to Max, meeting him halfway as he approached. He was dressed to go to lacrosse practice and carried a duffel bag. Faye took the bag from him, dropped it to her side, and pretended to be just as in love with him as ever. She pulled him in close and kissed him passionately on the mouth. â€Å"I’ve missed you,†she said, loud enough for the Circle to hear. Max touched his fingers to his lips, now lightly coated in the same red gloss as Faye’s. â€Å"And I missed you,†he said. Max was tall and muscular with light brown hair. His voice was rugged, and he wore a perpetual cocky grin. He was just the kind of guy that made Faye swoon. It’s no wonder she’d let her guard down enough to get marked by him. The rest of the Circle watched as Faye whispered into Max’s ear and he murmured back to her in a soft voice. â€Å"Do you think he’s falling for it?†Sean asked. â€Å"Seems like it,†Doug said, nodding his wild head of blond hair. â€Å"He’s acting the same as before. Like a lovesick wimp.†â€Å"But who knows if she’ll be able to get any information out of him,†his twin brother said. Melanie was dubious, as usual. â€Å"There’s no way he’s going to give up anything on the hunters. Whether he thinks Faye’s on to him or not, he’s not stupid.†â€Å"But Faye might be able to trick him into leading us to more of them,†Nick said. He was sitting on the cafeteria table, bent over with his feet on a chair. â€Å"There have to be more hunters in town than just Max and his dad.†Melanie rolled her gray eyes. â€Å"Yeah, I’m sure Max will be happy to introduce us to all his hunter buddies. Maybe he’ll even host a cocktail party.†Cassie continued watching Max and Faye’s back-and-forth. It was almost comical, both of them pretending to be into the other when they were actually sworn enemies. But Max’s face betrayed nothing more than he intended it to. He was running this show and Cassie could see he was too good at it to crack under a little pressure. After a few minutes of the charade, Faye finally gave up. She leaned in and kissed Max one last time before returning to the group. Max waved as he passed them on his way to the gym, flashing his perfect smile – but Cassie thought it looked like he was grinning at Diana in particular. â€Å"Well, that was a bust,†Faye said. â€Å"He’s either a really good actor or he doesn’t know anything about what happened earlier in the principal’s office. I mentioned my friend Laurel and he asked which one she was.†â€Å"We still shouldn’t push our luck,†Diana said. â€Å"I think it’s time for you to distance yourself from him and his dad.†â€Å"I think Diana’s right,†Cassie said. â€Å"We need to lay down some new rules.†â€Å"Just what this Circle needs.†Faye returned to her seat at the table. â€Å"More rules.†â€Å"What do you propose?†Diana asked, speaking over Faye. â€Å"We’re listening.†Cassie realized she had the whole group’s attention. They watched her hopefully, like she might have some secret panacea to solve all their problems. She cleared her throat and tried to think of something fast. â€Å"Well, we know the hunters can’t mark someone without witnessing them doing magic. But once they’re marked, the next step is the killing curse, which means death. Ultimate death.†â€Å"Is this supposed to be a pep talk?†Sean called out. â€Å"Let her finish.†Nick glared at Sean with a deep mahogany stare. â€Å"I think we need to enact a buddy system. One hunter can’t perform the killing curse on a witch alone. The best thing we can do is make sure we’re not alone either,†Cassie said. Deborah let out a whoop of laughter. â€Å"That’s your big idea? For us to hold hands in the hallway like preschoolers?†â€Å"I never said it was a big idea,†Cassie said defensively. â€Å"It just makes sense for those of us who are marked to be with another Circle member at all times. Including overnight.†Faye’s honey-colored eyes blazed. â€Å"No way. I won’t agree to having a babysitter. I’d rather die.†â€Å"You just might die if you don’t agree to this,†Melanie said. â€Å"It’s the only way we can be sure you and Laurel remain safe.†Laurel looked up from her untouched lunch. She didn’t appear any more eager than Faye to accept this new rule. â€Å"But Cassie, you said before that you’ve been talking to your mom about your father, and that you’re learning ancient things that could help us.†Cassie felt herself tense up. She could sense Adam’s cavernous eyes watching her, and she swore she could actually hear Diana’s jaw unhinge before any words escaped her mouth. â€Å"What ancient things?†Diana asked, with a hint of suspicion in her voice. The entire cafeteria seemed to fall silent and Cassie shifted uncomfortably. â€Å"I was just telling Laurel that my father once saved someone who was marked. I’m trying to learn more about how he did it.†Diana furrowed her brow at Cassie’s discomfort. She was unwilling to let the matter drop. â€Å"Do you think he used something similar to the witch-hunter curse we memorized from my Book of Shadows?†â€Å"Probably something like that,†Cassie said, trying to sound nonchalant and upbeat. â€Å"Why don’t we just use the witch-hunter curse from Diana’s book now? We know Max and his dad are hunters,†Suzan said. â€Å"I don’t understand what we’re waiting for.†â€Å"I second that,†Nick said. Diana released a frustrated breath. They’d been over this before. â€Å"Because this is our chance to use the hunters’ ignorance for more information. We still have surprise on our side. They don’t know we know who they are. And we also don’t know for sure how that curse works, or what it’ll do. It’s a very rough translation, so it’s our absolute last resort. If we try it and it doesn’t work, then we’ll all be marked in a matter of seconds.†â€Å"In other words,†Faye said, â€Å"we have no clue if those words we memorized are a witch-hunter curse or a fairy tale.†Diana was quiet for a few seconds. She chewed on her lip nervously. â€Å"We can’t rely on that mediocre, pieced-together translation from Diana’s book,†Adam said. â€Å"No offense to you, Diana, but whatever curse Black John used, that’s the one we want when we go up against the hunters.†Diana nodded and looked down at her hands. Adam turned to Cassie. She could tell he was struggling to restrain himself from telling the group about Black John’s book, but she also knew he’d never betray her trust, no matter how difficult it was for him. â€Å"What about the protection spell?†Laurel asked. â€Å"Shouldn’t that keep me and Faye safe enough so we can at least continue leading normal lives?†â€Å"It seems to be intact.†Diana raised her head, hesitantly. â€Å"But we don’t know how long it’ll last. That spell is kind of a one-shot deal, and once it wears off, that’s it.†â€Å"And,†Melanie said, â€Å"even if it does last, we can’t be sure it’s strong enough against the hunter’s killing curse. It probably isn’t.†Faye stared off into space, for once too upset to argue. Cassie momentarily considered her own situation. If the protection spell wore off, she’d really be powerless against Scarlett. As it was, she was jumping at every shadow and freezing up at the sight of every redhead who walked by. â€Å"How are you going to do it?†Faye called out to Cassie, like she’d just snapped out of a daydream. â€Å"How do you plan to figure out the curse Black John used?†Cassie glanced at Adam, but his expression kept her secret safely hidden. â€Å"I’m trying to learn what I can from my mother,†Cassie said. â€Å"She’s blocked out a lot of the past, but when I get her talking sometimes things come to light.†It was a good answer for being put on the spot, and even true. But Cassie knew it would take more to save her friends and defeat the hunters than simply getting her mother to talk about the past. She had to get her father’s book back. How to cite The Secret Circle: The Hunt Chapter 3, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Quality of Information Sharing and Supply Chainâ€MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Quality of Information Sharing and Supply Chain. Answer: Introduction As the present day scenario suggests, all the business organizations have to keep in mind several factors for their successful business expansion. The most important aspects that any and every business organization must take into consideration are the customer satisfaction. This era is the era of rapid development and advancement. The customers now are looking forward to not only the quality and the quantity of the goods and services, but also to several other additional stuffs. The most important among them is the customer service. The companies for this reason have to keep a sound logistics and supply chain management. They need to maintain this logistic and supply chain management chain right from the suppliers to the final customers. It usually involves a long and complex network of activities like warehousing, inventory, planning and scheduling, customer service and many others. One of the most complicated food sectors is the ice cream industry, since it needs several additional facilities like cold temperature, special kind of packaging and refrigerated carriers etc (Pang et al .,2015). One of the major challenges that the supply and logistics section of the ice cream industry face in todays scenario is the maintenance of proper temperature. This is because the ice cream is such a product that needs to be stored at proper temperatures right from the beginning to the end of the supply chain. In other words, the company has to pay much attention towards the temperature control and handling in the SCM The first and important thing that the company must do is to make a proper plan. A sound business plan must contain detailed information about each and every operation details. It has to take many decisions based on customer choices like what to produce, and for whom to produce. The company also has to decide the sources that are the suppliers. Once the sources of the raw materials are decided the company must go for negotiations and scheduling deliveries. The performance can be measured via the performance of the employees like timely delivery of raw materials, settlement of payment, quality of the raw materials etc. This is the part where the companies have to look after almost all the important aspects like testing of the raw materials, storing of data, regulatory compliance etc. It can be measured by seeing the overall performance of the company and the market share that the company has in the industry. This includes the selection of the transportation and the distribution options. In other words, the Companies must see to it that the deliveries reach the customers within the stipulated time period. The performance can be measured from the customer feedback that is whether or not the customers are satisfied with the services, and also the quality of the final products after it reaches them. The functioning of the com pay does not end only with the delivery of products to the customers, but the company also has to see to the other factors, like managing the defective returned goods, identifying the defects, sending them for recycling. This can be measured by the records of inventory product, the amount of product returns, t he management of the defective products etc. Integration considerations Earlier the company used to follow several aspects of the supply chain and logistics functions like transport, controlling of the inventory, handling of the material and also warehousing. However, it has been seen that the needs and demands of the customers are changing day by day. In order to cater to the needs and demands of the customers, the company has to modify and upgrade their supply chain management in several ways (Stadtler, 2015). The main motif of the company is to see that how they can gather and bring g all the different activities of the supply chain management into a single, balanced and well co ordinate supply chain. As far as the integration is concerned, it is mainly divided in to two different parts; they are the internal and the external integration. The internal integration of tip top ice creams The tip top ice cream has to import several raw materials for its production like- Fats, sugar, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavors, milk powder, milk cream and several other such input products. As far as the marketing of the tip top ice creams products is concerned, it has a good local and global demand as well. It is one of the chief producer and distributor of dairy products and ice creams in different parts of New Zealand. The universal supply chain stretches its marketing and distribution over all the firms in New Zealand. They also have several clients and patrons located in several parts of the world. Tip top has been making delicious ice creams and operating in New Zealand for over seventy five years. As the tip top company mainly deals in ice cream and dairy products, it has to take very much care of the fact that, the temperature is well maintained in every stage of their logistics and supply chain (Govindan et al .,2014). In order to see that there is no compromise with the quality of the ice cream, the tip top company maintains a particular kind of supply chain called the cold supply chain. They have to take very much care of the fact that there is no heat, rathe r no unwanted risk of temperature created while the ice creams are being taken from one place to the other. The delivery truck that is to be used must be heat proof and designed accordingly, so as to see that the ice creams do not melt and stay intact (Juan Ding et al .,2014). The integration can however take place only after the combination of the two that is the material management as well as the physical distribution. In other words both the inward as well as the outward flow of products must take place in a proper manner so that the whole process runs smoothly. Right from the starting point, that is from the point of acquiring the raw materials from the suppliers, transporting the raw materials from the place of origin to the different production units. Food industry in general needs to pay special attention to this aspect, so that there are no issues with the quality of food. There are mainly several different stages that the food industry needs to follow in order to upgrade and integrate its supply chain. In order to integrate the supply chain, the industry must question its existing supply chain in the first instance. After thorough questioning and analyzing session, it was seen that there are some or the other loopholes existing in the supply chain and logistics that they were using. Currently, there are three trends that will enable a much increased level of integration in the supply chain process. The first is the pending food safety legislation. This legislation needs that there must be time limitations I posed and maintained. This time limitation must be on the product tracing. Apart from this, the food chains are something that always is very diverse in nature and requires the participation of several kinds of entities at different points of tome. This is because in the food industry, there is often a huge diversity in terms of geography, size, locations, resource, experience etc. In the modern day scenario, it is highly essential for each and every industry to maintain the e commerce facilities. In other words, the companies must try and use the internet based facilities in order to manage and operate the logistics and the supply chain in a better way. The must make use of different software (Eksoz, Mansouri Bourlakis 2014). The company and try and seek for measures of using the technology and the modern scientific methods to control the power cuts. As the tip top ice cream company has realized that the major problem it faces, is that of power cuts. Among all the other food products, ice cream is the one that is extra sensitive to temperature. Thus, frequent power cuts will greatly harm the quality of the ice creams (Beske, Land Seuring 2014). As a result of this problem, the company has decided to use the special power back up methods. Apart from this, they might also consider using dry ice. Adding dry ice to the packages or in the trucks will help the ice creams stay intact without any damage being done to the quality of the ice cream (van Elzakker et al .,2014). Among all the other general food products, ice cream is one that needs special temperature control methods right from the time of its procurement, through the entire process of transportation, manufacturing, packaging and finally followed by the last step that is delivering them to the customers. It must also be noted, while upgrading the supply chain and logistics, that ice creams are exclusively seasonal products and there are some additional up gradations and adjustments that are to be made in the supply chain management and logistics of such products. One of the most important steps that can be adopted by the Tip Top ice cream company is developing resilient supply chain. In other words, this supply chain must be able to build the flexibility in the entire process and also for changing the prevalent corporate culture (Acar et al., 2017). This can be done by increasing the number of suppliers from whom the company purchases its raw materials. This will increase the number of alternative options at the hands of the company. It can so happen that during the business transactions, there are several unwanted disputes that arise. However, the production must not get hampered in any way. It is hence, beneficial for maintaining a large number of suppliers from whom the company can get the required amount of raw materials from them. This will also enable the tip top ice cream company to hold some excess amount of food inventory (Beg et al .,2017). Adapting to climatic change and building resilience Apart from this, another strategy that the tip top ice cream company can use is combining the procurement strategy with supplier relationship (Manzin Accorsi 2013). Maintaining a good and healthy relationship with the suppliers is indeed useful. It will act as a very good in built strategy for the company. Apart from thus, the tip top ice cream company may also consider shifting the entire supply chain from one specific geographical location to the other. As the food products in general and the ice cream in particular are very climate sensitive items, the companys manufacturing them have to be very much concerned about this factor. As the geographical location of the company is subjected to several extremes of climatic conditions, they might consider shifting the hub of their supply chain away to some other place that has favorable climatic conditions. Keeping in mind the contemporary issues that are faced by the logistics and supply chain of the food companies, one of the most essential step that is to be taken by the company is sharing the relevant information of the supply chain systems with their consumers. This can turn out to be an important step, as it will help in minimizing the risk of consumer vulnerability. The consumers also must be trained about the harmful impacts of food wastage (Allata, Valero, Benhadja 2017). As the tip top ice cream company mainly deals in the ice cream and the dairy products, they must make use of the proper refrigerating facilities. The increasing availability of technologies cab greatly is used to enhance the logistics of the company. This will enable to control and monitor the risk areas to which the company is exposed to (Acar et al., 2017). This is one of the most essential aspects of the smart integration of the supply and logistics system of the food industry. This is highly useful in order to check and manage the food inventory of food and also the wastage of food that often can disrupt the production of the company. Value Generation Three of the most essential and significant value creation stages are- The first important thing that the company needs to do is to understand the demand of their customers. In other words, they need to understand what the driving forces are for their customers. The company has to understand and provide their customers with things that are actually important to them. Tip Top ice creams must understand the exact demand of their customers. They need to know the exact flavors that the customers are looking for or any additional benefits that the customers want. Market segmentation is also very much crucial here. Ice cream is something that has a huge demand for children, young adults but not that much for the old generation of people. Hence the company must de3sign their product in such a way so that it becomes much more attractive to that particular segment of targeted customers. Apart from this, they might also consider setting up a new branch at a particular geographical location that is easily accessible by the targeted group of customers (Grimm, Hofstetter Sarkis 2014). In proper to create value, the company will surely have to make some investments. However, this must be kept in mind that all these investments must be made in the right place that is for the right customers that will provide the right value in return. Sales promotion, product up gradations, RD everything must be done in order to suit the tastes of the targeted customers (Aung Chang 2014). Conclusion Thereby, it can be concluded from this paper that in proper to expand the business properly, the Tip Top ice cream company has to analyze and understand the customer demands. It is only after that they will be able to make modifications and up gradations in their supply chain and logistics. It is also necessary for them to integrate the supply chain and logistics system from time to time; keeping in mind the changing consumer needs and demands. Reference List Acar, M. F., Acar, M. F., Zaim, S., Zaim, S., Isik, M., Isik, M., ... Calisir, F. (2017). 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